
“Email Marketing is dead in the water”

Famous words from some of the top Internet Marketers, you know, “the guru kind.” To put it more bluntly the fake it till you make crowd.  That’s right, they, like myself, have been around since the days before anti spam came to town. List building and learning the internet marketing ropes. News flash, they have not 1, not 2 but several lists that they constantly build and maintain daily, to the highest degree.

Ok, so why do they continue to scream “Email Marketing is dead”

Simple, its a sure fire Money Maker…WHEN…set up correctly. Worry not my friends you are in the right place. Prime time Email Marketing has all you need and more, with your email campaigns, list building, strategies, advice, tips, and treats [ebooks and vids], articles, articles and more articles, updated weekly. Thank you for popping in with your sweet smiley visit. If you have any ,comments, questions and or concerns, please submit an inquire to: SUPPORT